Feng Shui-ish

Even though I’m Asian, I have little knowledge about Feng Shui, the ancient practice of creating an environment for abundance and happiness.

Since I am not in the Airstream Bambi full-time (yet), I’ve spent the past few days shuffling things to generate a sense of creativity and well-being.  I re-arranged furniture, nailed pictures to the wall and shredded unwanted documents to pursue my ideal space.

Please allow me to give you a mini-tour where I work + play + write.

So, here’s where the magic happens. It’s where I read (serious material), write and strategize. The magic hour is between 9 am until 1 pm and then again from 9 pm until midnight. I found that I can work in four hour increments and then I have to switch things up otherwise I get tired.


This is where I sit or am horizontal so I can read non-fiction or watch movies like “Pitch Perfect” or “Bridesmaids.” I know these are chickflicks but can you think of a better way to turn off your brain?


Here are resources and sources of inspiration. Books I referred to when I was a master’s student, those I need as a doctoral student, along with memoirs and fiction that changed my view of the world. If you look closely, you will also see a package of Pepperidge Farms Milano cookies. These aren’t necessarily inspiration but definitely a sugar resource.


This is another seat intended for reading and writing, however, Butters seems to occupy it most of the time. On the wall are framed items: a photo I took of a single chair in front of the New York Public Library, a card from my friend Jen with the quote, “Now is the time to live your ideal life” and a ticket from a lecture with Amy Tan where I was in a daze when I met her. You will also notice a corkboard where I post reminders and inspiration.


So this is my space. One where I feel comfortable, happy and productive…a temporary Utopia. Because as I know by now…things are always a work in progress.

room of my own

Categories: Elixir

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